Form Submission is restrictedForm is successfully submitted. We will reach out to you via email soon.Repeater/Simplex Node SignupIf you have a repeater or a simplex node you would like to connect to our network, please fill out the form bellow.Step1Step2Step3First and Last Name*Call Sign*Email*Phone*We need your address for mailing purposes, not the repeater/node locationMailing Street Address*City (mailing address)*State (for mail)*Zipcode (for mail)* Longitude of Repeater/Node*Latitude of Repeater/Node*Anticipated broadcast radius (in miles)* Roughly what hours do you anticipate running your repeater or simplex node on the NC GMRS Network?24 Hours a day, 7 days a week.NoYesMondayMorning (4AM to 12PM)Afternoon (12PM to 5PM)Evening (5PM to 9PM)Night (9PM to 4AM)TuesdaysMorning (4AM to 12PM)Afternoon (12PM to 5PM)Evening (5PM to 9PM)Night (9PM to 4AM)WednesdaysMorning (4AM to 12PM)Afternoon (12PM to 5PM)Evening (5PM to 9PM)Night (9PM to 4AM)ThursdaysMorning (4AM to 12PM)Afternoon (12PM to 5PM)Evening (5PM to 9PM)Night (9PM to 4AM)FridaysMorning (4AM to 12PM)Afternoon (12PM to 5PM)Evening (5PM to 9PM)Night (9PM to 4AM)SaturdaysMorning (4AM to 12PM)Afternoon (12PM to 5PM)Evening (5PM to 9PM)Night (9PM to 4AM)SundaysMorning (4AM to 12PM)Afternoon (12PM to 5PM)Evening (5PM to 9PM)Night (9PM to 4AM) In order to participate in the NC GMRS NET as a repeater or simplex node you must agree to the following rules Nodes cannot be connected to NC GMRS NET while simultaneously connected to other networks. You MUST first disconnect your node from NC GMRS NET and then you are free to connect to other networks. Once the node is disconnected from other networks, you are welcome to reconnect to the NC GMRS NET. You cannot deliberately, keep the node keyed up to block other users from transmitting on the network. NC GMRS NET will not hold you accountable for accidents and “jammers.” You follow all FCC Guidelines to the best of your abilities. Sign bellow to acknowledge these rules If you agree to the rules, sign and check "I Agree" bellow.*I AgreeSignature* Submit